Order of Execution
When a QPKG package is installed or upgraded the following actions are run in a linear order.
First a check is performed to make sure that the mount point, \/mnt\/HDA_ROOT, where the initial installationfiles should be extracted exists (this should always be true on a QNAP device). If it is a platform specificQPKG package then an architecture check is also performed to make sure the QPKG is installed on thecorrect platform. If both checks are successful then a temporary installation directory,\/mnt\/HDA_ROOT\/update_pkg\/tmp, is created and the first level of QPKG packages are extracted to thisdirectory – that is, the tar archive with the data files (default is data.tar.gz, but other compression algorithmsare possible which would result in a different file suffix), the generic and package specific installation scripts(qinstall.sh and package_routines), the QPKG configuration file (qpkg.cfg), any extra data packages that have been specified using QDK_EXTRA_FILE , and the optional files with MD5 checksums and configurationfiles. Next, the installation is started by running the generic installation script, qinstall.sh.
The generic installation script first locates the included data archive and assigns the file name toSYS_QPKG_DATA_FILE. System variables are initialized with name and path to the default system sharesand the system definitions SYS_QPKG_BASE , SYS_QPKG_INSTALL_PATH , and SYS_QPKG_DIR are assignedvalid values. If Optware packages are included in the QPKG package then a temporary local repository isassigned to the package tool's search path, so that the included files are available for a possibleinstallation\/upgrade in the requirement check for Optware packages. At an upgrade the list of installed filesis sorted and renamed, so a new list can be created and later compared with the old list. This is followed byperforming any package specific initialization.
Next it checks that any specified requirements are fulfilled. If any required Optware package is missing thenthe latest version of the package is installed automatically either from the remote repository or from apackage included in the QPKG package (using QDK_EXTRA_FILE ). After the check for any QPKG_REQUIREor QPKG_CONFLICT definitions in the QPKG configuration file, the package specific requirement checks areperformed (if defined). If the requirements are OK then the pre-install phase is started.
In the pre-install phase the QPKG directory specified in SYS_QPKG_DIR is created if it is a new installationand configuration files are handled according to what was specified when the package was built. At anupgrade the current status of the QPKG (enabled or disabled) is stored to be able to restore it later. Theservice program is stopped if it exists (usually not at a new installation) and then any package specific pre-install actions are performed.The install phase starts with extracting the data from the data archive, $SYS_QPKG_DATA_FILE , to theQPKG directory, extracting any (optional) included full path configuration files to their correct location, andrestore any previously stored configuration files, followed by any package specific install actions.In the post-install phase any obsolete files from the previous installation are removed, any included QPKGicons are copied to \/home\/httpd\/RSS\/images\/, symbolic links for the service program are created in \/etc\/init.d,\/etc\/rcS.d, and \/etc\/rcK.d, and the QPKG is registered in \/etc\/config\/qpkg.conf. This is followed by anypackage specific post-install actions.
Finally, the script that shall be run when the QPKG is removed from the system is generated (including anypackage specific actions), if the QPKG was enabled before the upgrade then at this point the service programis also started, and a success message is written to the system log and also reported back to the web interface.
After a new installation the default is for the QPKG to be disabled. If we would like to force the QPKG to beenabled from the beginning then it is possible to set SYS_QPKG_SERVICE_ENABLED to TRUE in one of thepackage specific functions, but it would be better to allow the user to decide when it should be enabled. Afteran upgrade the current status will be restored after the upgrade is finished. That is, if the QPKG was enabledbefore the upgrade then it is enabled after the upgrade and the service program is started (if it fails to startthen the status is set to disabled, though.) This behaviour can be stopped by settingSYS_QPKG_SERVICE_ENABLED to FALSE in one of the package specific functions. If$SYS_QPKG_SERVICE_ENABLED is FALSE then the QPKG is always disabled after the upgrade.