QDK Variables
To configure the build process it is possible to assign values to different QDK variables. All the QDKprefixed variables can be included in the system wide configuration file, \/etc\/config\/qdk.conf, or in the user'sconfiguration file, ~\/.qdkrc. The variables can also be included in the QPKG configuration file or buildscripts. Command line arguments override any variables in the user's configuration file, which in turnoverride any variables in the system wide configuration file. Variables specified in the QPKG configurationfile or in a build script can also override previous specified (or default) values.
QDK version.
Path to where QDK is installed.
Location of the user's configuration file. Default value is ~\/.qdkrc.
Location \(or expected location\) of the QPKG configuration file. Default value for this variable is a filenamed qpkg.cfg in the current directory.
Location \(or expected location\) of file with package specific functions. Default value for this variable is afile named package\_routines in the current directory.
Location of directory with the script files that are used by qbuild. Default value is $QDK\_PATH \/scripts.
Location of the directory with the template files that should be used when creating a new buildenvironment using the --create-env option. Currently, generic versions of qpkg.cfg and package\_routinesshall be located in the specified directory. Any other files and directories are optional. Default value is$QDK\_PATH \/template.
Location of the generic installation script. That is, the script that is run when the QPKG is installed.Default value is $QDK\_SCRIPTS\_DIR \/qinstall.sh.
Indicates qbuild's level of verbosity. 0 is quiet mode, 1 is normal mode, 2 is verbose mode, 3 is debugmode, and 4 is an extra verbose debug mode. Default value is 1 .
Indicates if qbuild is run in strict mode or not. Default value is FALSE . In strict mode all warnings aretreated as errors.
When set to TRUE then qbuild ignores that specified configuration files are missing from the package.Can be used when the configuration files are created at installation of the QPKG package. Default isFALSE .
Indicates what compression method shall be used to compress the included files. Valid options are gzip ,bzip2 , and 7zip . Default value is gzip .
Name of the compressed data archive that is included in the QPKG package. Depends on the selectedcompression method. With gzip compression the name is data.tar.gz, with bzip2 it is data.tar.bz2, andwith 7zip it is data.tar.7z.
Name of the included archive with meta-files \(the generic and package specific installation scripts, theQPKG configuration file, and the optional files with MD5 checksums and configuration files.\) Defaultname is control.tar. Note that this name is only used internally by qbuild; it is not used at the installation.
Location of the setup script.QDK\_TEARDOWNLocation of the teardown script.
Location of the pre-build script.
Location of the post-build script.
Location of the root directory with the subdirectories, files, and meta-data that shall be used for theQPKG package. Default value is current directory.
Location where the built QPKG package shall be placed. Default value is $QDK_ROOT_DIR \/build.QDK_BUILD_VERSIONVersion that shall be used for the built QPKG package. Default is to use the QPKG_VER value from theQPKG configuration file, but if QDK_BUILD_VERSION is defined then that value is used instead and theQPKG_VER value in the QPKG configuration file is updated with the specified version.
Model the built QPKG package can be installed on. Default is to allow installation on any model. Thecheck for the model tag is only performed by the web installation; installing a QPKG package on thecommand line is not affected by this setting.
QPKG packages shall be built for the specified architectures. Supported values are arm-x09, arm-x19,x86, and x86\_64. Multiple values must be comma-separated. No default value; by default qbuilddetermines what to build based on the available files and directories in $QDK\_ROOT\_DIR .An architecture check is added automatically when an architecture specific package is built. If atinstallation of the QPKG package the check fails then the installation exits with a system log message,"Wrong architecture: $QPKG\_NAME $QPKG\_VER is built for ARCH " .
Exclude patterns for rsync that are used to not include files matching the pattern in the data packagespecified in QDK_COMPRESS_FILE . The format is QDK_RSYNC_EXCLUDE= "--exclude=PATTERN". It ispossible to specify multiple patterns, QDK_RSYNC_EXCLUDE= "--exclude=PATTERN1--exclude=PATTERN2 ...".
Location of file with exclude patterns. Similar to QDK\_RSYNC\_EXCLUDE , but specifies a file with excludepatterns \(one per line\). The format is QDK\_RSYNC\_EXCLUDE\_FROM= "--exclude-from=FILE".
If set to TRUE then a digital signature is added to the QPKG package at build time. The gpg2 applicationmust be installed and in the package builder's path or the location specified in QDK\_GPG\_APP or the buildfails with an error.
Path to gpg2 application. Default is to search for it in the user's path.
Identity of private key that shall be used for the digital signature.
Path to public keyring that shall be used to verify a digital signature. Default is \/etc\/config\/qpkg.gpg.
Path to directory with default keyrings to be used when adding signatures. Default is the $GNUPGHOMEenvironment variable, but if the keyrings are located at as location where gpg2 doesn't expect them thisvariable can be used to specify the location.
Use specified type of digital signature. Currently, only gpg is supported.
Location of directory with icons for the packaged software. Default location is a directory named icons in$QDK\_ROOT\_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK\_ROOT\_DIR .
The icons shall be named ${QPKG\_NAME} .gif, ${QPKG\_NAME} \_80.gif, and ${QPKG\_NAME} \_gray.gif,
${QPKG_NAME} .gif is the image displayed in the web interface when the QPKG is enabled. It shouldbe a GIF image of 64x64 pixels.
${QPKG_NAME} _gray.gif is the image displayed in the web interface when the QPKG is disabled. Itshould be a GIF image of 64x64 pixels. It is usually a greyscale version of the ${QPKG_NAME} .gifimage, but that is not a requirement.
${QPKG_NAME} _80.gif is the image displayed in the pop-up dialog (with information about theQPKG and the buttons to enable, disable, and remove). It should be a GIF image of 80x80 pixels.
If no icons are included then the QPKG is given default icons at installation.
Location of directory with files specific to arm-x19 packages. Default location is a directory named arm-x19 in $QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of directory with files specific to arm-x31 packages. Default location is a directory named arm-x31 in $QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of directory with files specific to arm-x41 packages. Default location is a directory named arm-x41 in $QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of directory with files specific to arm_64 packages. Default location is a directory named arm-64 in $QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of files specific to x86 packages. Default location is a directory named x86 in $QDK_ROOT_DIR .The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of directory with files specific to x86 (64-bit) packages. Default location is a directory named x86_64 in $QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of directory with files specific to x86 packages. Default location is a directory named x86_ce53xx in $QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of directory with files common to all architectures. These files are included before the architecture specific files when the package is created to allow any architecture specific files to replaceshared files. Default location is a directory named shared in $QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a fullpath or a path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR .
Location of directory with full path configuration files. Default location is a directory named config in$QDK_ROOT_DIR . The value must be a full path or a path relative to $QDK_ROOTDIR .The complete path under the file system root (\/) shall be created in this directory. For example, if aconfiguration file shall be installed in \/etc\/config\/myApp.conf then $QDKDATADIRCONFIG shouldcontain the subdirectory structure etc\/config\/ in which the myApp.conf file is placed.Note that configuration files that are located relative to the QPKG directory ( $SYSQPKGDIR ) can beplaced in any of $QDD_DATA_DIR_ARM_X19, $QDK_DATA_DIR_ARM_X31, $QDK_DATA_DIR_ARM_X41, $QDK_DATA_DIR_ARM_64, $QDK_DATA_DIR_X86,$QDK_DATA_DIR_X86_64, $QDK_DATA_DIR_SHARED, or $QDK_DATA_DIR_CONFIG. It is onlyexternal configuration files that must be placed in $QDK_DATA_DIR_CONFIG.
Name of local data package that shall be used when creating the QPKG package. If defined then$QDK_DATA_DIR_ICONS , $QDK_DATA_DIR_X19 , $QDK_DATA_DIR_X86 ,$QDK_DATA_DIR_X86_64 , and $QDK_DATA_DIR_SHARED are ignored and no other data files or iconsare included in QPKG package. If QDK_EXTRA_FILE has been specified then the extra data packages arestill included, though.
Name of extra data package that shall be included in the QPKG package. The value must be a full path ora path relative to $QDK_ROOT_DIR . Any included extra data package must be extracted by packagespecific functions. It is possible to add multiple QDK_EXTRA_FILE to specify more than one extra datapackage. If Optware packages are assigned to QDK_EXTRA_FILE variable then an index file(Packages.gz) for all included Optware packages is generated automatically and attached to the QPKGpackage. This file is used at installation to create a local repository with the included Optware packagesand include it in a possible installation\/upgrade of required Optware packages.
Name of the last built QPKG package (stored in $QDK_BUILD_DIR ). Can be accessed in the post-buildscript to perform any kind of actions on the package (for example zip the file and upload it to a remotelocation, although if more than one package is created it might make sense to wait with the upload untilthe teardown script is run after all packages have been built). $QDK_QPKG_FILE is reset before the pre-build script is run to allow the script to set a new value, before a default value is assigned.